Dewey-Humboldt Foodscape Community Members

Here you will find Dewey-Humboldt Organizations, Businesses and Individuals
with Agricultural Resources and Skills to share with Local Residents of Dewey-Humboldt

Chino Valley Businesses Foodscape Community

Local Business

Dewey-Humboldt Local Businesses are the backbone of the community. Plant Nurseries, Farms, Feed Companies, Ranches, Agricultural Materials Transportation and more. We SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS.

Chino Valley Garden Communities Foodscape  Community Members


Dewey-Humboldt Ranches, Farms, Garden Communities, Schools and Supporting Organizations. These provide local agricultural resources and products to the residents of Dewey-Humboldt.

Elaine Vang Chino Valley Garden Guru

Agri & Garden Gurus

Dewey-Humboldt Agricultural and Garden Gurus with their animals and gardens provide a meaningful contribution to the local gardening community. Many have resources available to share.

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  • Yavapai County-Wide Community Exposure

Searching For Foodscape Community Leaders

Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona

Dewey and Humboldt represented two distinct communities during the last 100 + years with Dewey providing an agricultural and ranching economy while the Humboldt area had an economy based in mining.

After the smelter burnt to the ground in 1902, a larger smelting plant was built, serving much of the then Arizona Territory. In 1905, the town was renamed Humboldt, in honor of Alexander Von Humboldt, a noted Prussian geographer, who had visited the area (New Spain at the time) in 1838. The rich ores, along with the smelter and the convenience of the railroad, contributed to the district’s mining boom and population growth.

When visiting Humboldt today, the smelter’s smokestack stands alone, casting its shadow over the century-old town buildings. It is a remnant and reminder of the region’s mining history.

Elevation: 4,580 FT.

Dewey-Humboldt Yavapai County Foodscape Agricultural Community
Dewey-Humboldt Yavapai County Foodscape Agricultural Community
Dewey-Humboldt Yavapai County Foodscape Agricultural Community
Dewey-Humboldt Yavapai County Foodscape Agricultural Community


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