Prescott Valley Foodscape Community Members
Here you will find Prescott Valley Organizations, Businesses and Individuals
with Agricultural Resources and Skills to share with Local Residents of Prescott Valley

Local Business
Prescott Valley Local Businesses are the backbone of the town. Plant Nurseries, Farms, Feed Companies, Ranches, Agricultural Materials Transportation and more. We SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS.

Prescott Valley Ranches, Farms, Garden Communities, Schools and Supporting Organizations. These provide local agricultural resources and products to the residents of Prescott Valley.

Agri & Garden Gurus
Prescott Valley Garden and Agri-Gurus with their animals and gardens provide a meaningful contribution to the local gardening community. Many have resources to share
Searching For Foodscape Community Leaders
Prescott Valley, Arizona
Prescott Valley was founded in 1966. By the early 1970s, the population in the area, sometimes called Lonesome Valley, had grown to 600 people. Prescott Valley was incorporated in 1978 with a population of 1,520. Today, Prescott Valley is one of the fastest-growing non-metropolitan towns in America.
Prescott Valley is located within 10 minutes of the Prescott National Forest, with lakes, fishing, hiking and camping. The Entertainment District is located downtown and offers a variety of restaurants, a 6,000-seat events center, a multi-screen movie theater, and retail shops. There are 27 parks.
Elevation: 5026 FT